Monika Nicolle is a French artist born in Morocco where she spent most of her childhood. Her interest for art began at a very young age – around 8 years old - and she has been painting ever since. 

Monika traveled the world living in Morocco, France, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, the USA and now UK. All her work is influenced by the numerous cultures she has encountered.

Her style takes a new turn when she moves to Mexico City in 1997 and works for many years in the studio of Dolores de la Barra, an established Mexican impressionist painter. She learns all the technics, starting with charcoal before swtiching to colors. 

In 2000, Monika moves to San Paolo, Brazil, and attends the Pan Americana de Arte school where she acquires and applies different creative methods, thus giving a more « free » substance and depth to her art. 

In 2001, she moves with her family to New York and studies for 2 years at the Rye Art Center with Brigitte Loritz, watercolorist, following at the same time the class of Larry d’Amico, an oil painter. She continues her learning process for a few more years by going to the Advanced Painting class run by David Fox, an English painter, at the Westchester Art Workshop, New York. 

In 2006, Monika’s carreer takes a new boost. She exhibits at the Salon des Artistes Independants and in the Gallerie Thuilliers, in Paris, where she sells most of her paintings. At the New York Academy of Sciences, her painting is sold at the highest price at the auction of a benefit party. The same year, she exhibits in the Grand Palais Museum through « Art en Capital » and sells her painting « Inside Out » (press release). In 2007, she exhibits again at the Grand Palais Museum in Paris and sells the painting « Z » (press release). See exhibitions list attached. 


For the past 25 years, Monika has been exhibited and sold her paintings around the world. 

The core of her paintings is focused on faces and colors, with a particular fascination for eyes. « I want my painting to look at me when I look at it » she says. For her, « Eyes are like an entrance to the inside of a person ; a transparent door to one’s soul. It is the strongest way to communicate ». 

Her new series, « Abstract » is focused on emotions expressed by using different textures like sand, cord, wood, gold flakes, cosmetic pigments…to represent the mixed feelings between chaos and freedom. 

With L'Oeil d'Irma in bigger size for a commission. 

In my studio, holding Le Lien

Painting Menthe Mecanique in New York. 

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